I decided to focus on getting the back end set up first, rather than focusing on the UI. Visuals always have a habit of eating up a lot of time if you get carried away, and that’s something I can’t afford to do. I also don’t want to do the UI for the UIs sake - I’d rather do it with the actual game data so I can test the game at the same time.
I’ve set up a number of classes that represent the player account, player characters, map tiles, map objects, the different cards and battles.
Gameplay is centered around cards, but I wouldn’t consider it to be a card game. It’s just a different way to represent an inventory.
The current card types are:
- Weapon - Used for combat
- Ammunition - Required by most weapons
- Equipment - Clothing and armour
- Effect - Inflict or heal damage
- Thing - Parts that can be combined to create objects (e.g. structures or vehicles)
Cards have a value and a probability of being found, allowing for a trading mechanic to be introduced, and motivating players to explore and battle to find more cards.
One thing I’m going to struggle with is balancing all the different cards, e.g. making sure a particular weapon isn’t too strong, or completely useless.
The next step is setting up the controllers to send Cards to the front end, with a basic UI to display them. I’ll then need to set up the battle system.
Like Pokemon, the overworld will be in real time, and the battles will be turn based.
Lots to do.
(For the front end I think I’ll go with pixi.js after all)